La Dogaressa & Other Poems


If you wish to see where history meets imagination, gloriously detailed, here’s an absorbing world populated by luminaries Peggy Guggenheim, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Ezra Pound, Jackson Pollack, Alexander Calder, D.H. Lawrence, and more.


“Laurie Byro’s La Dogaressa & Other Poems is in many ways a collection of voices, often Peggy Guggenheim’s or D.H. Lawrence’s, but also the voice of cigars in the Guggenheim art community or the paint pots of Jackson Pollock or one of Georgia O’Keefe’s chows. These voices teem with the histories of literature and art. There’s a poem titled “Living in the Body of a Scorpion” with a quote by T. S. Eliot. After a stretch of bird poems, we get the ultimate winged being in “Angel and the Reader (1930’s)” with a quote from Leviticus. There seems nothing that Laurie Byro can’t hear in this or other worlds that won’t illuminate the reader’s imagination with a vast array of literary and artistic cultures generated through an original presentation of ‘voices.'”

– John Allman

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